How to uninstall BlueStacks Air

How can I uninstall BlueStacks Air?

To uninstall BlueStacks Air, follow the steps below.

1. Launch BlueStacks Air and click on "BlueStacks" in the top bar, as shown below.


2. From the drop-down menu, select "Uninstall BlueStacks"


3. You will now have to confirm if you wish to uninstall BlueStacks Air. Click on "Yes" to proceed.


BlueStacks Air and its files will then be uninstalled and deleted from your Mac.

How can I manually uninstall BlueStacks Air?

An alternate way to uninstall BlueStacks Air is to:

In the Mac Finder, click on “Go” Select “Applications” from the drop-down menu Right-click on BlueStacks and click on "Move to Bin".


When you manually remove BlueStacks, the leftover files will also need to be manually deleted which can be done by:

In the Mac Finder, click on “Go” Click on "Go to folder" Paste the following file path: /Users/Shared/Library/Application\ Support 
and press Return Right-click on the BlueStacks folder and select "Move to Bin".

NOTE: This step is only required if you are removing BlueStacks manually. If you follow the steps in the first section, manual removal of leftover files is not needed.


NOTE: After the folder has been moved to the Bin, you can open the Bin and click on "Empty" to permanently remove these files.

Once done, BlueStacks Air and all its related files will be removed from your Mac.

Thank you for choosing BlueStacks Air. We hope you enjoy using it. Happy Gaming!

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